BMPs stands for Best Management Practices. It is a term commonly used in the context of stormwater pollution discharge compliance within the Industrial and Construction industries.
The term "BMPs" derive form the NPDES Stormwater Permit. Based on the Clean Water Act, stormwater dischargers must comply within limits allowed by the Federal or local authority.
The objective of this website is to help guide and inform the public about available Stormwater BMPs and Stormwater Management.
Dischargers may be incentivized to implement Structural and Non-Structural BMPs to avoid costly fines.
BMPs address stormwater volume, peak discharge, and water quality.
This website discusses and lists Structural and Non-Structural BMPs.
Structural BMPs are categorized as Point BMPs, Linear BMPs, and Area BMPs.
Point BMPs include
Constructed Wetland,
Infiltration Basin,
Sand Filter (surface),
Rain Barrel,
Wet Pond,
Dry Pond,
and more.
Linear BMPs include
Grassed Swale,
Infiltration Trench,
Vegetated Filter Strip,
Sand Filter (non-surface),
and more.
Area BMPs inlude Green Roof, Porous Pavement, and more.